How To Practice Fighting Techniques And Breathing Chickens

Discussion About How To Practice Fighting Techniques And Breathing Chickens To enrich fighting styles and techniques, fighting chickens need to be given experience and training to fight with a variety of chickens that have a variety of fighting styles. Naturally chickens will face their opponents with different fighting styles depending on the opponent’s fighting style. By putting both of them together, each chicken will learn about how the fighting techniques are carried out by their opponents.

Fighting training with sparing partner chickens is done once a week for 1-2 x 15 minutes, depending on the condition of the chicken being trained. Every week the chickens are tossed with different chickens. The following below, we will discuss about some guidelines on how to practice fighting techniques and breathing chickens :

• Tips to Enrich the Fighting Technique of Fighting Chickens
Before putting chicken, we must prepare the opponent first. Opposing chickens can come from chickens owned by fellow chicken hobbyists in your neighborhood. Both your chicken and your opponent’s chickens, are prepared in advance by feeding him a handful of white rice and bathing it. If you have a hammer, it’s better to have both chickens wrapped in tape to avoid serious injury. After the two chickens are ready, then the chicken is put for 15 minutes (one water).

• Choosing Sparing Chicken Partners
If it is intended to enrich fighting styles and techniques, when preaching we need to consider the quality of fighting chicken against our opponents. chicken should be selected with certain criteria so that your goal in printing chickens with a lot of fighting techniques can be achieved. Well, here are 3 criteria for sparing chicken partners that you can choose from.

• a. Sparing partner with balanced chicken
The first is a sparing partner with the same or equal criteria as our chicken. Fight with a balanced chicken will make our chickens stronger and honed their basic style and greatest ability. With the same style, the chicken will really train its strength and endurance. If the strength is the same, then the chicken can last a long time or series. Chicken like this can be used many times as long as training does not lose in the 15 minute test match.

• b. Sparing partner with chicken experience
This method is quite risky because the chicken that is trained will lose old, lose hard, and lose experience, maybe even lose spurs. To reduce risk, the condition of the chicken being trained must be absolutely perfect so that it is mentally good, not afraid of other chickens. In addition, experienced chicken spurs must be wrapped in cloth or plaster.

In this fight, experienced chickens will usually be calm under control in carrying out attacks and fights, while chickens that are trained can not be calm, still cautious.

The calm of the chicken as a sparing partner is very beneficial to the chicken being trained because it is thought to be fearful or at least not to frighten the opponent. As a result, trained chickens will rise mentally and all of their abilities will fully come out. Chicken that is trained will do a lot of attacks, while his sparing partner will survive and find a lot of positions, then attack later.

• c. Sparing partner with various fighting styles of chicken
Fighting chicken fighting styles vary, namely the style above and below style. In a fight, a stylish chicken on its head never goes down, always looking for a pecking target in the opponent’s head area. The blow is directed in the neck region to the head area, often from the front. If it can be ngalung, the blow that was launched was a punching blow. This blow is very difficult to anticipate. Chickens like this are usually tall and slim, feathery, and light weighted.

While chicken-style down often look for opportunities to hit from behind by bending down under the body between two opponents legs, then appear from behind and spin while pushing the opponent so that the opponent lost balance almost fell. In this situation, the chicken will easily peck at the back of the head and easily launch a punch. If the punch is special, the opponent can immediately collapse.

If a chicken with a variety of fighting styles is made a sparing partner, the trained chicken will learn to anticipate the fighting style of the opponent until the chicken finds a way to attack and put his punch. However, if chickens cannot learn to anticipate various opposing fighting styles, it is better to find opponents who have a monotonous style. For the sake of safety, the chicken could not be included in the arena of action.

Well, that’s some tips that can be done to enrich the style and fighting techniques. Increasingly being trained in a variety of styles, trained chickens will find the best way to anticipate the opponent’s attack and put a punch. As a result, when placed in the arena of action, chickens that are trained will not be surprised by the fighting style of the opponent and already know how to deal with it. May be useful!

Also Read : Training Tips And Caring For Aggressive Fighting Chickens

No matter how good the fighting technique, no matter how hard the blow, and no matter how strong the Bangkok chicken we have, if he does not have a long breath, the possibility for him to be a champion chicken that always handles in every battlefield, can be predicted maybe there is none.

Long chicken breath is the initial capital of strong stamina for fighting chickens to be able to give their best performance on every game journey. Without a long breath, the chicken will get tired easily. He will only fight beautifully at the beginning of the fight, and stumbled catching the opponent’s punch at the end of the game so that it will lose easily without resistance.

• Train Bangkok’s Chicken Breath
Realizing that long breath is the main capital for champion chickens, so on this occasion I will share my experience on how to practice Bangkok’s breath so that it is long and long-lasting.

I have proven these exercises and are more effective when applied in conjunction with the provision of bangkok chicken herbs for long breaths whose recipes I have discussed in the previous article. Well, here we go straight to discuss one by one how to train the breath of Bangkok chicken!

➢ 1. Running Exercise
The first way that can be done to train Bangkok chicken breath so long is to provide running training. Routine running exercises are very effective in building stamina as well as the breath of our fighting chickens.

This exercise is done with the help of untulan chicken. The trick is that Untul’s chickens are taken running to lure chickens who are trained to fight. After the trained chicken is brave, the untul chicken is pulled back so that the trained chicken is chasing it. The trainer may carry the chicken to run to be chased by the chicken to be trained. However, trainers must be careful not to get hit by pecks or punches from trained chickens.

I often experience, because they are too emotional due to not being able to touch the best chickens as anglers, the trained chickens also vent their emotions to the trainer. Usually the feet of people who carry untul will be beaten and beaten repeatedly.

➢ 2. Cliter
To facilitate running practice, we can also implement exercises that Javanese people usually call cliter. A kliter is a way to make a chicken run around a double cage in which it is fed with chicken. Chickens placed inside a cage can be pigeons or baboons, male chicks, or can be a candidate who is in the process of training.

Besides functioning to strengthen breathing, this exercise is also beneficial to strengthen leg muscles, courage, and enthusiasm. This cliter training can be passed by chickens between 1-2 hours every day.

➢ 3. Fight in the hot sun
Fighting exercises in the hot sun can also train chicken breathing. This is due to training in a rather extreme environment that will strengthen chicken stamina. If the breath is good when fighting in the hot sun, the chicken will not be surprised when included in the arena of action. His breathing will be good so that he won’t be wheezing while fighting.

Long exercise in the hot sun is about 15 minutes which is done once a week. Fighting is done with experienced chickens or other chickens who are also in the training process. However, if the chicken used is a spurred chicken, the spices should be wrapped so as not to hurt each other.

Before putting it in the sun, the chicken needs to be fed one handful of white rice, then it is bathed. After wiping, the two chickens are placed. Finished tossed, the chicken was bathed again and dried.

➢ 4. Swimming
Swimming training in chickens is actually more aimed at making chickens have a balance of muscles throughout their body. Nevertheless, in addition to these goals swimming training also provides several benefits. One of them is making chicken breath longer.

Swimming makes the chicken always try to regulate his breath so it is not easily sluggish and can move his body so it does not sink. If swimming exercises are done routinely 2 times a week, there will be many benefits that you can get.