Discussion About Training Tips And Caring For Aggressive Fighting Chickens We all know that roosters are roosters. Every rooster can be a reliable fighting chicken. But this certainly must be supported by chicken training. Therefore, fighting chickens that are fought in the s128 live cockfighting game are fighting chickens that already have good fighting techniques and are also aggressive.
Right now we will review you how to care for male chickens to become aggressive fighting chickens. For those of you who want your fighting chickens to be aggressive fighting chickens, it’s a good idea to follow the steps we have provided below. Here’s how the senior fighting chickens take care of the fighting chickens into quality fighting chickens. The following below, we just discuss some guidelines for training tips and caring for aggressive fighting chickens :
• Complaints in the sun
Surely it’s a matter that must be known by many chicken fighters to hang the cock in the morning in Bangkok. the drying time is around 8-10 am and should not be mixed with other chickens, even more hens. Bangkok chicken age ready to be trained by drying is around eight to nine months. The benefits of drying chicken fighters aim to train the breathing of these chickens. when the sun works, the heart becomes more perfect, and the body becomes slim and full. but before it is dried in bangkok the chicken needs to be bathed first. after being bathed in bangkok chickens will try to dry themselves by releasing the energy of evaporation of water.
• Practicing Banging Movements
The next step you have to do after breathing exercises, bangkok chickens need to be given motion exercises, but for the initial stage is still limited to the motion of the wings and legs. This exercise will train the strength of the legs and wings and also improve breathing exercises in the fighting chickens. For this way of practicing the motion of the fighting chickens is to hold the base of the tail, then lift the chicken high up, so that its head hangs down. In this way, bangkok chickens will flap their wings and struggle to move both feet. let this happen for a minute or two, then lower it and let it rest for a while
• Swimming Training
So you can do the exercise on the chicken game with swimming training. This swimming exercise aims to strengthen the body’s muscle authority. when the chicken is put into the chicken water it will be forced to flap its wings and flap its legs and move its entire body so that it does not sink. This swimming training can initially be two times a week with a time of 2-3 minutes later the frequency can be increased.
• Skip Training
When fighting roosters jumping movements are important things that need strength training. if not trained then the rooster easily falls while fighting and is not nimble when avoiding the opponent’s attack. how to practice jumping on bangkok chickens is done by perfecting the position of horses for chickens, the way it can be by throwing it up in the air. Chicken ass first we prop up with the left palm wide open, then the right hand as well, need opened wide and stretched to support the cache. after that the chicken is lifted and thrown up at the same time. When throwing, the right hand (the cache) must get a harder push, so that the chicken position will be lifted like the position was about to hit the opponent ie the foot is raised up.
• Running Exercise
How to train Bangkok Chicken Complaints by running is by holding another champion, while our champion is left free on the ground. then we run jogging while fishing so that the master chases the opponent. but don’t let him peck at the rooster that we are holding.
For those who are interested in playing and want to take one of the bets on the battle arena in a live straming, then you must have one of the Trusted Chicken Gambling Gambling betting sites such as SV388 and S128.
Also Read : Guidelines For Playing Arenagaming88 Gambling Baccarat Online
On this occasion, I will give some tips on caring for fighting chickens after competing to stay in shape.
• Fighting Exercise for Bangkok Chickens
This is the last training stage to see whether your Bangkok chicken is ready to fight or not, the way is to practice fighting. But it is very important to find a suitable opponent, and this exercise must be watched very closely.
• Training Bangkok’s Chicken Strength With Swimming
The benefits of training a Bangkok chicken with swimming is to strengthen the muscles of the Bangkok chicken. Because when a bangkok chicken is put into water, the chicken will be forced to make movements such as flapping its wings and legs and moving all parts of its body so that it does not sink into the water.
With swimming training given to the Bangkok chicken has a very good effect that the muscles will be hard, so the body of the Bangkok chicken will look more muscular and athletic. The pattern of this exercise can be done twice in a span of 2 to 3 minutes, and the length of time can be increased as the exercise progresses.
• Train Bangkok Chickens to Jump
When bangkok chickens are fighting, the movement that is most done is to do jumps such as jumping, training Bangkok chicken jumping functions to train the ability and strength to rely on. In addition, the chicken will become more active and nimble so that it can avoid every attack when it is fighting.
The method you can use to practice jumping on chickens is to throw a throw up or into the air. The trick is your right and left hand supporting the chicken’s buttocks after that the chicken’s body is lifted like throwing as high as height and at the same time the chicken’s chicken feet will grip, this aims to tear the opponent’s body very strong later.
• Train the Bangkok Chicken Neck
Providing neck training for bangkok chickens is almost like jump training. You do this by lifting the chicken up too. But what is supported is the buttocks (just below the brutu) and the neck (under the head). The lifting time must be done simultaneously and with the same strength. When removed, the chicken vein and neck of Bangkok will become even harder.
• Caring for Bangkok Chicken After Fighting
After fighting Bangkok chicken will experience a lot of torn wounds on his body, immediately treat these wounds by giving drugs and antiseptics, but first the wound must be cleaned using warm water.